
Télécom Saint-Etienne celebrates Erasmus Days 2021!

Stand ED

On Thursday 14 October, the #Erasmus Days took place. This was an opportunity for Télécom Saint-Etienne to take part in this unmissable European festival by organising an event on its premises for the fourth year running.

The photo exhibition

All week long, students were able to enjoy an exhibition in the atrium featuring photos taken by students, engineers and information-communication students, who have been on mobility since 2015.

Erasmus Days Stand Peter
Stand RI expo photo

On D-day

Télécom Saint-Etienne students were able to ask all their questions about international mobility during the information meeting run by the school’s International Relations department. The 40 international agreements were presented in more detail to the interested students.

The Erasmus Days achieved their objective with the participation of many students from the school. A great event to promote international and academic mobility at Télécom Saint-Etienne.

And more?

Discover the testimonies of students who recently went abroad as part of an Erasmus + exchange

Don’t hesitate to like the Facebook page UJM at the end of the world in order to be informed about the international mobilities within the Jean Monnet University.

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