On 2 February, Jacques Fayolle, Director of Télécom Saint-Etienne and President of the Conférence des Directeurs des Écoles Françaises d’Ingénieurs (CDEFI) and Pierre-Yves Fraisse, Director of Information Systems (DSI) and teacher at Télécom Saint-Etienne, took part in April’s “Libre à vous!” programme on the Parisian radio station Cause Commune
They were able to express themselves on Télécom Saint-Étienne’s commitment to free software. As a reminder, the notion of free software refers to a computer program that can be used, modified, shared or reproduced freely by users
Télécom Saint-Etienne, a generalist digital engineering school, has therefore chosen to control its information systems. Pierre-Yves Fraisse was able to confirm this during the radio programme: “You are certainly familiar with the “Dégooglisons Internet” movement, which is supported by the Framasoft association, we are in the middle of this and we have made good progress. Today, almost all the services that were used, Google-type services, are now operational except that we have recovered them internally. We therefore have complete control over the data in this chain. We also have a certain number of other services which are almost all in the Unblock Internet map, which we have managed to put in place. Today, there are about fifteen servers that provide a whole range of day-to-day operational services within Télécom Saint-Etienne.
The use of free software is thus synonymous with better protection of user data. It is also more ethical: the developers make sure that the code does not contain any functions designed to pass data through intermediate marketing processing servers. It is therefore a question of reclaiming sharing tools, which are evolving, created by and for individuals, in a spirit of independence and respect for privacy.
You can find the whole programme on Cause Commune as well as its written transcript