
Focus on Inspire’s interview with Le Figaro

Inspire EN

Valentin Descomps, a student in his 2nd year of engineering and president of the Inspire junior company, went to Paris on the 11 of January to be interviewed by “Le Figaro” for the program “Le rendez-vous des PME”.

Inspire is an association, governed by the law of 1901, of an educational nature and with an economic vocation, it is housed in the premises of Télécom Saint-Etienne. The junior company offers its skills in the digital field (IT, web development, telecommunications, etc.) to any company that wishes to be supported

In his interview with Le Figaro, Valentin says that “Inspire works like a consultancy firm: on the one hand, it has a team of 18 people who are responsible for prospecting, developing customer loyalty and monitoring clients. And, on the other hand, consultants who manage the technical part: these are the 600 students specialising in engineering and communication at Télécom Saint-Etienne. They can also be accompanied by the school’s teacher-researchers. “The president of Inspire also points out that the junior company is a real opportunity: “For many students, this is their first professional experience, considered as the engineers of tomorrow, they are highly qualified, creative and full of ideas”. There is no doubt that they will be able to support organisations in the development and success of their digital projects

Then, in this interview, Valentin also comes back to the impact of COVID-19 on the junior company: “Overall, the pandemic has not had a negative impact on the digital world. Inspire has managed to maintain the loyalty of its regular customers. It has also been able to count on the acquisition of new clients, who have a new need to use digital technology in their operations to deal with the current health crisis.

In addition, the many digital tools at its disposal have enabled Inspire to keep in touch and maintain the human aspect internally and also with clients. “We are lucky to be digital children,” confirms Valentin

Read the full interview with Valentin Descomps on

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