
Areas of application of our research teachers


35 teacher-researchers
13 theses
78 international publications by the school’s teacher-researchers
2075 k€ of research contracts via the Carnot Télécom et Société Numérique

Number of annual hours spent by our students on research subjects :

18450 h Engineering project:
50h / student – 123 students in 4th year

4180 h Research and Innovation Project:
55h / student – 76 students in 5th year

Research area: mathematics

Research led by Olivier Robert, Number Theory is a branch of mathematical research concerned with questions of arithmetic, such as the study of particular families of integers.

Research field: information and communication

Research conducted by Fabien Labarthe, MCF in information and communication sciences, head of the Communication Design master’s programme at Télécom Saint-Etienne and member of the ELICO laboratory at the Lyon-Saint-Etienne site.

Also to be read

Supporting laboratories

The school is supported by 3 research laboratories. Discover the Hubert Curien Laboratory, the Camille Jordan Institute and the Elico Laboratory.

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