
Ranking engineering schools 2021


Télécom Saint-Étienne is ranked in the top 3 of the most improved engineering schools in France in 2021. Our school is ranked 61st out of 168 in the general ranking carried out by L’Étudiant, a ranking that is a reference for families when choosing their career path. This strong progression is reflected in particular in the good results in terms of academic excellence, proximity to companies and finally in the international influence of Télécom Saint-Etienne.

L’Usine Nouvelle confirms the progression of Télécom Saint-Etienne in the ranking of the best engineering schools in France in 2021. Indeed, by gaining 11 places compared to the previous year, our school is now ranked 66th.

The indicator of the quality of professional integration is one of our main strengths: Télécom Saint-Etienne is ranked 43rd out of 130 schools. Télécom Saint-Etienne graduates have no difficulty in finding their first job, with 90% of them being taken on within two months. The rate of students on permanent contracts in the penultimate year is also very high, which shows how easy it is to enter the world of work after studying engineering at our school.

Graphique représentant l'Insertion Professionnelle

The Figaro Étudiant has also published its 2021 ranking of engineering schools. Télécom Saint-Etienne maintains its position in the top of the 2021 ranking of the best engineering schools. In its core field of digital, computer science and mathematics, our school is ranked 39th. This ranking is completed by a 9th place in physics, chemistry and optics.

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