Engineer Telecom Saint-Etienne
By joining our engineering course, you can build your career path according to your desires.
Our areas of scientific excellence :
– Data engineering, artificial intelligence
– Embedded electronics
– Digital imaging (augmented virtual reality)
– Networks and telecoms, infrastructures and services
– Laser physics, photonics, surface engineering
Build your training pathway à la carte, without quotas or selection. Choose a main theme, a complementary theme and a career path to build the studies that suit you and that you like.
Your 1st year will consist of a core curriculum and an introduction to the school’s themes
Semester 5
Differentiated knowledge base
Essential basis of mathematics
Electromagnetic fields in vacuum
Algorithms and programming
Electronics and measurement
Mathematics and Physics
Deterministic Signal Processing
Probability and Statistics
Numerical Calculation
Electromagnetism in Matter
Electronics and Computing
Electronic Processing Systems
Algorithms and Data
Structures Computer Systems
Modern Languages
Engineering, Business and Society
Law of national and international institutions, business
Job search techniques
Communication techniques
Semester 6
Digital signals and systems
Digital electronics
Electronic application project
Discrete signals and systems
Random signals
Object Programming and Unix Systems
Object-oriented programming
Operating systems
Télécom Saint-Etienne Fundamentals – Specialties
Introduction to image, optics-photonics, web, networks, telecommunications
Modern languages
Engineering, business and society
Management and corporate finance
Project management
Macro economics
Operational internship
In the 2nd year, choose your course of study à la carte, without quotas or selection. Choose a main theme, a complementary theme and a career path to build the studies that suit you and that you like
Themes and Pathways
Choice of main and complementary themes (2 out of 5)
Optics & Photonics
Computer Science
Choice of career path (1 out of 4) from
Project Manager
Semester 7
Common core
Data management and IT project
IT project & project management
Optimisation and estimation
Estimation for Signal
Modern Languages
Specialised courses (Block 1)
Electronics / Embedded Systems
Microprocessor-based embedded systems
Programmable logic circuits
Communicating embedded systems
Vision / Vision Engineering
Visual Perception
Sensors and Automation,
Lighting and Image
System Controls
Computer application development
Software engineering
Panorama of scripting languages
Advanced algorithms
Specialised courses (Block 2)
Image / Image Analysis
Image Processing
Image and Signal
Mathematical Morphology
Image Analysis Project
Optics / Optical Systems
Wave and Fourier optics
Polarised light
Characterisation and measurements
Introduction to guided optics
Experimental optics
Telecom / Coding and Transmission
Modulations and coding
Optical fibres
Copper transmission media
Networks / System and network development
Os Linux
Scripting system
Object oriented programming
Advanced algorithms
Project interface administration
Semester 8
Common core
Engineering, business and society
Financial analysis
Economics and management of innovation
Business plan
Modern languages
Engineering project
Specialised courses (Block 3)
Electronics / Components, signals, systems
Component of LF&R electronics
Signal acquisition and transformation systems
Image / Image Description and 3D Geometry
Wavelet Transforms Texture
Analysis Colour Shape
Recognition 3D
Networks / Switching and Routing
Specialty courses (Block 4)
Optics / Laser and Photonic Applications
Laser Sources
Laser Processes
Non linear Optics
Experimental Optics
Computer Science / Multimedia Development
Graphic Interfaces
Multimedia Development Library
Telecoms / Telecoms protocols and services
Architectures Wired
Telecommunications Wireless
In the 3rd year, enrich your curriculum with double degrees in France or abroad!
Choose specific options: artificial intelligence, big data, hardware security and cryptography, cybersecurity, biomedical imaging, biophotonics and the environment, anti-counterfeiting holographic laser, thermal vision and 3D reconstruction, etc.
Semester 9
Common core
Engineer, company and society
Individual and collective decision making
Social law
Simulation of job interviews
Organisational theory
Courses related to the course (Block 5)
Optics / Optoelectronics
Semiconductor physics,
Semiconductor components,
Circuits and sensors for optoelectronics,
Introduction to radiometry,
Guided optics and integrated components,
POP (Photonic Optoelectronics Project)
Networks / Convergence, QoS and network security Security and availability of network services,
Convergence of networks and services,
Quality of service management,
Europ platform,
Image / 3D, video and artificial intelligence
3D processing,
Image and machine learning
Space perception
Image synthesis
Electronics / Digital Systems Design Secure Material Architectures,
Configurable Logic Circuits,
Complex Logic Circuit Design
Computer Science / Distributed Computing
N-tier architecture,
Distributed applications
IS security,
HMI and mobile applications,
Integrated project Startup POC
Courses related to the course (Block 6)
Electronics / Embedded systems
Driver under Linux,
Real time system,
Power function and signal integrity
Vision / Specific imaging systems
Thermal vision,
Hyperspectral and multimodal vision,
Vision project
Optics / Energy and environment
Photonics and digital for the environment,
Intelligent data processing,
Bio-photonics and imaging of the living
Networks / Virtualisation and availability
Virtualisation and availability of IS,
Network services for development,
Specialised courses
Big Data: management and analysis
Algorithms for data analysis,
Advanced databases,
Cloud Computing,
Big Data Project
Biomedical imaging: from acquisition to processing
Acquisition systems,
Markov models,
Interdisciplinary project
Advanced Photonics
EM modelling of micro-nano structured surface,
Laser processes for material structuring,
Fibre components,
Reflectometry & Ellipsometry
Integrated circuit design
Semiconductor electronic components,
Noise in integrated circuits,
RF circuits,
CAD of integrated circuits
Operator infrastructure and services
Telecom Project Management,
Extended Enterprise,
Advanced Telecom Architecture,
Telecom Development Ecosystem,
Operational Infrastructures
Design Thinking for connected environments
Capture: from sensor to data,
Connectivity, IoT platform and datavisualisation,
Sociology of digital uses,
Multidisciplinary workshop
Entrepreneurship and leadership,
Strategy and innovation
Semester 10
Internships and Projects

Focus on projects
Engineering project
The principle: in teams of 4-5, the engineering students must solve concrete company projects.
This is the first time our students are put into a professional situation. The projects take place in 3 stages:
– A framing to explain the expectations of the companies, the deliverables and the organisation of the project: 4 half-days
– A 1st sprint of one week to launch the project and validate the efficiency of the company/team collaboration
– A 2nd production sprint of 3 weeks which concludes with the students’ presentation. During this period, the student team works the equivalent of 700 hours, accompanied by a teacher-researcher and a company tutor.
Research and Innovation Project
The principle: in teams of 2-3, final-year engineering students explore innovative ideas from companies using the design thinking method.
To carry out these projects, the students have access to the school’s state-of-the-art laser marking, vision and audiovisual equipment.
The projects take place during two 3-day creative sprints, supervised by a research professor
Double degrees
Among the 7 Master’s degrees offered by the school, some will enable students to broaden their skills, others will enable them to deepen one of the specialities of their course (possibly offering research courses). Specialised courses also complete this offer, such as the Grandes Écoles programme, a specialised engineering diploma, etc. Finally, students can take international Masters courses in the United States, Canada, China, etc
Broaden your skills :
– Master’s in Entrepreneurship: develop a project to create or take over a company, learn about the challenges facing a company, prepare for the management of a new company, have the possibility of obtaining student-entrepreneur status and carry out their end-of-study internship in their own company.
– Master’s degree in Economic Intelligence and Innovation Management (IEGI): to meet the new needs of companies in terms of economic intelligence and the organisation of technological changes.
– Master’s degree in Science and Digital Health (SNS): to put the skills acquired in Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies at the service of health in order to contribute to the development of the medicine of tomorrow.
To deepen one of the course specialities (possibly offering research courses):
– Master 3EA course Electronics and Embedded Systems (ESE): develop knowledge in integrated electronics for embedded systems.
– Master OIVM Advanced Imaging and Material Appearance (AIMA): develop the knowledge essential to a future specialist in image processing.
– Master OIVM Surface and Interface Science and Engineering (SISE) pathway focused on surface engineering or Materials Structuring and Component Design (SM2C) pathway to design Photovoltaic and Lighting systems.
– Master’s degree in Computer Science: Data and Connected Systems (DSC ) to address the problems of data massification and the interconnection of computer systems and communicating objects or Cyber Physical Social Systems (CPS2) to master the problems of socio-cyber-physical systems resulting from the fusion of the physical, social and digital dimensions of our environments.
Specific training :
– Grandes Écoles programme of the Institut Mines Télécom Business School (Master’s degree) allowing students to obtain a double engineer/manager diploma (training leading to an additional year at Evry in the engineering curriculum).
– Engineering diploma specialising in security for communications and computer systems or in communications for intelligent transport systems (EURECOM training leading to an additional semester at Sophia Antipolis in the engineering curriculum)
. Institut Mines-Télécom exchange programme (for example the joint MEDIA
programme of the IMT-BS and Télécom SudParis allowing students to move into the audiovisual sector)
International Masters
USA (4 courses)
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Information Technology and Management
Canada (4 courses)
Management of Organizations,
Master of Engineering,
Master of Computer Science,
Master of Computer Science – Video Games Option
China (2 courses)
Computer Science
Morocco (4 courses)
E-Management and Business Intelligence
Digital Engineering for Finance
Artificial Intelligence Engineering
Information Systems Security
Professionalization contract
Télécom Saint-Etienne students have the possibility of following their final year under a professionalization contract.
The students are present at the school at the beginning of the year and are in the company the rest of the time.
The advantage: 1 year’s professional experience to add to your CV

66%hired before graduation
6%hired aboard
97%hired at 6 month
37.2k€median gross salary
in preparatory classes for the grandes écoles
Télécom Saint-Étienne offers 88 places to students from the Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles via the Mines Télécom competition:
- MP stream: 35 places
- PC stream: 13 places
- PSI stream: 25 places
- PT stream: 5 places
- TSI stream: 3 places
Nature and conduct of the competition tests
Students from preparatory classes must apply through the Mines-Télécom competition.
Internet registration for MP, PC, MPI, PSI, PT, TSI courses from 9 December 2023 to 16 January 2024 at 5pm
List of wishes to be made between 1 March and 26 July 2024 at 12 noon on
2) Admission tests :
After passing the written exams, eligible candidates for the 18 schools of the Mines Télécom competition must pass the 4 oral exams of the competitive entrance exam (math, physics or industrial sciences or computer science depending on the sector, English, interview with a jury).
3) Calendar of events
Written tests:
From 13 to 16 May 2024 for MP, MPI, PC, PSI (Banque Mines Ponts)
From 25 April to 07 May 2024
From 02 to 06 May 2024 for the TSI stream (Banque Centrale Supélec)
Oral exams: MP, MPI, PC, PSI, PT: from 25 June to 12 July 2024
in DUT / BUT / BTS / Licence
Télécom Saint-Étienne offers 5 places to students with a Bac+2 / Bac+3 degree.
- DUT (RT, GEII, MpH, Computer Science)
- L2 or L3 validated
- BTS (EEA and optics sector)
- Professional degree
- Foreign diploma of equivalent level
Télécom Saint-Etienne offers 5 places to students with a Bac+4 or equivalent foreign degree
You can apply ( if you have a M1 or M2 in scientific disciplines.
Candidates may apply to enter the school in the 2nd year of the engineering cycle.
ATTENTION: For applications in the 2nd year of the engineering cycle, not all courses will be offered. The admissions jury will draw up a list of authorised courses, depending on the candidate’s background, and will inform the candidate of this in the admission letter.
Terms of the 2024 competition
Registration from February 1 to May 10, 2024 on our e-candidat site: e-candidat UJM
Nature and conduct of the competition tests
First stage: eligibility. The application file is examined by the eligibility panel.
Second stage: admission tests. Eligible candidates are invited to the admission tests (7 June 2024), which consist of an aptitude test, an English test and an interview with a jury.
These tests must be held at Télécom Saint-Étienne.
Third stage: confirmation. Admitted candidates must confirm their admission to Télécom Saint-Étienne.
Job opportunities
Employment sectors
Banking / Finance Company
Digital Society
Aeronautics / Aerospace
R&T engineer
Project manager
Start-up creator
Technical expert
As international experience is required to validate their engineering degree, our students have access to nearly 40 agreements for their mobility, which they can carry out either as part of an internship or as an exchange for a full year or a semester in a partner university during their 2nd or 3rd year of engineering training.
Scholarships are available depending on the destination to help students finance their mobility.
Training fees
As Télécom Saint-Étienne is a public school, the registration fees are university fees of around €601 per year.
In accordance with the decree of April 19, 2019 and the decisions voted by the Board of Directors of the Université Jean Monnet, registration fees at Télécom Saint-Etienne for students from outside the European Community for the year 2024-2025 will be :
- For enrolment in the Engineering Diploma: 3,879 euros
These fees do not apply to students already enrolled at the Université Jean Monnet in 2023-2024, or on a mobility program with their home institution in 2024-2025.
To these fees must be added the Contribution à la Vie Etudiante et de Campus (CVEC) of €103 for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Research professors and professional contributors for high quality teaching
More than 70% of the teaching staff at Télécom Saint-Etienne are research professors attached to the hubert Curien Laboratory of Excellence or the Camille Jordan Institute or to the research team Elico.
Pedagogical innovation
At Télécom Saint-Etienne, pedagogical innovation is at the heart of training
Whether through workshops, the use of agile methods or flipped classes, the school’s students learn to diversify their engineering curriculum with teaching methods that are a change from the traditional amphitheatre and lecture rooms
The teaching is complemented by the intervention of professionals who bring their expertise from the business world