
Food aid to support students

Couverture collecte ali

In order to help students in financial difficulty and in great precariousness following the current pandemic, the pastoral animation team of Aurec-sur-Loire, in conjunction with Stéphane Robert, head of the Engineering course under student status at Télécom Saint Etienne, have decided to organise a large food collection. The aim is to collect food and hygiene products which will then be given directly to student associations.

Thanks to the many collection points, including the school of La Faye, the supermarkets and the parish of Aurec-sur-Loire, and the surrounding villages of Pont-Salomon and Saint-Ferréol, it was possible to collect almost a tonne of foodstuffs.

The food parcels were put together and distributed by members of the Federation of Associations of Telecom Saint-Etienne(FATSE), in strict compliance with the sanitary conditions in force. Thus, on Friday 5 March, from 11am to 5pm, around forty students came to collect free food parcels at Télécom Saint-Etienne. They were composed of starchy foods, vegetables, ready meals, coffee, milk, chocolate and cakes. Hygiene products were also available.

The surplus food was then donated to the AGORAé grocery shop at the Jean Monnet University in Saint-Etienne.

This salutary gesture of solidarity towards students required a large number of volunteers. We would therefore like to thank all those involved in the fight against student poverty, in particular, the pastoral care team of Aurec-sur-Loire, the FATSE student collective and the teachers of Télécom Saint-Etienne

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