The incubator joins its BASE
Since the 22 of February, the USE’In incubator has moved into its new premises “La BASE” in the Centre des Savoirs et de l’Innovation (CSI). The incubator has 300 m2 of space, consisting of 8 individual offices, a meeting room and a 70m2 common area, a great environment for setting up a startup!
Focus on incubated startups
3 startups moved into the new premises a few days ago:
– KuIR is a new, innovative, compact and stylish low temperature cooking appliance. It takes the form of a heated kitchen lid, which can cook vegetables, fish or meat at temperatures below 100°C, while preserving the nutrients and flavours on our plates.
– is an innovative communication agency. With more than 15 years of experience, it masters and offers all communication tools (graphic design: print & web, video: captation/montage/drone, motion design, 3D modelling) and has made videomapping and laser projection its specialities.
– Woolchip, the start-up behind the Où Sortir media, which informs residents on a daily basis about activities and events in their cities! Present in the largest cities in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, such as Lyon, Saint-Etienne, Annecy, Clermont-Ferrand and Grenoble, Où Sortir is also present in other large cities in eastern France, such as Dijon.
Find all the information on the incubator’s new website:
Call for applications
Are you looking for beautiful premises and cool startups to work with?
Don’t hesitate, join us!
Do you have an idea and want to create your startup?
The incubator is open to all project leaders (students, communicators, restaurant owners, engineers, footballers, hairdressers, gamers, delivery people, etc.), either alone or in a team.
The only condition is that the project must be digital or technological.
Submit your application before the 15 of April and join your BASE.