
IRAM sets up and monitors two MOOCs, in partnership with the Institut Mines Télécom.


50,000+ registrants
7 sessions
Learners from 149 countries

The team.

13 teachers
6 educational engineers and audiovisual technicians
8 professionals who are experts in the topics covered

The MOOC ecolab

The MOOC “Understanding the Collaborative Economy”, which allows students to understand the main principles of the collaborative economy and to decode its main social and economic mechanisms.

The MOOC Understanding the Heart of the Internet

The MOOC “Understanding the heart of the Internet: operator networks”, dedicated to the technologies and services of operator networks that provide telephony, Internet or television to individuals, and a reliable broadband connection or the connection of remote sites to businesses.

These MOOCs are used both within Télécom, by being integrated into hybrid training systems (combining distance and face-to-face training), and disseminated on the platform to reach a wide audience.

The MOOC “Understanding the heart of the Internet: operator networks” is thus used by professionals in the field of networks and telecoms, particularly in the context of a partnership with Orange.

Find these MOOCs on

Also to be read

Escape Game

For the start of the 2019 school year, we have proposed an integration Escape Game for newcomers to enable them to discover the School and its neighbourhood.

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