
Guillaume Muller, teacher-researcher, wins the “Best Reviewer Award

Congratulations to Guillaume Muller, a teacher in Web development and Data Science at Télécom Saint-Etienne and also a researcher for the Hubert Curien laboratory within the Data Intelligence cluster, who received the “Best Reviewer Award” for the IEEE-ISC² (International Smart Cities Conference).

To win this award, Guillaume participated in a “peer review”, commenting on 3 different articles dedicated to this conference. Indeed, in the research community, when a researcher submits a paper to a conference, for example, the draft is reviewed by several other researchers and, based on their comments, the conference editors decide whether to retain the paper for publication.

The criteria used to select the candidates and the winner are as follows

  • Establish a relevant critique
  • Identify the limitations of the work presented
  • Provide suggestions for improvement/extension
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